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How to find Work in France?

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How to find Work in France?

  Updated On: 22 January 2025

How to find Work in France?

Studying in France brings unimaginable benefits to overseas students in terms of job availability, job preferences and career upgrades. There are so many ways for foreign graduates to find work in France. Though international students are allowed to work in France, depending on your nationality, you may not need a temporary resident permit. But you may wonder, how to find work in France?

One of the most effective ways to find work in France is by opting to stay in France after graduation.

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Staying in France after Graduation and Finding a Job

For European students

Foreign students from a nation in the European Union, European Economic Area or Switzerland may choose to stay in France and look for work after graduation. Furthermore, if the overseas students are under 28, then they can opt to work as international volunteers in a French administrative company abroad.

For Non-European Students

International students can stay in France after graduating. Non-European students must have a work contract and be paid at least one or half times the minimum wage.

But what happens when non-European students do not have an employment contract?

In that case, a foreign graduate may request an Authorisation Provisoire de Sejour ( temporary resident permit ), which is valid for 12 months and is non-renewable, while they seek employment in France. To seek a France Temporary resident permit, overseas students must have a professional Bachelor’s or a Master’s degree or be in the process of starting a company in France.

But do you know that students from countries with bilateral ties with France benefit from certain conditions regarding the issuance of their provisional residence permit (APS)?

Read More: What career paths are open to international students in France?

Tips when Looking for Work in France

International students are advised to identify the type of position they are looking for before starting to look for a job in France. Followed by CV preparation and a cover letter to meet France expectations.

  • Frequently visit sites with job opportunities in France: Create email alerts. A few of the job sites in France are Pole Emploi and the APEC (the Association Pour I’Emploi des Candres, the Management Employment Association)
  • Timely update your CV: keep updating your resume as per job expectations
  • Make your information accessible to recruiters as they later use social networks to create an idea about the applicants.
  • Attend job fairs to connect: make sure to carry your resume and cover letter in hand. Make sure to win them over with your first impression.

Internships play an important role in deciding your career paths while searching for work in France.

The end-studies internships are mandatory, and therefore, foreign students are advised to use their end-of-studies internships well. Connect your last semester internship with the career path you want to opt for after graduating. This lets you develop a certain understanding of the work you are seeking for your work in France.

If your programme in France does not require an internship, then you can opt for one anyway. It serves as a good opportunity for overseas students to curate their resumes with some good people outside the campus and grow a professional network that they can utilise later.

See Also: Why Indian Students should consider France for Higher Studies?

Connect with Alumni

Many establishments offer overseas graduates help in finding work in France, such as international student associations in every university, recruitment forums, and alumni networks. Alumni associations are of great help to foreign graduates in terms of student support and finding work in France.

It is good to activate your professional networks while finding work in France

  • Activate your professional networks, and let those around you know that you are looking for work in France.
  • International students must find companies that are recruiting in their career choice and respond to job offers actively.
  • The alumni network le France Alumni, a platform for foreign graduates, has proven effective when it comes to finding work in France.

Reach out to SIEC for applications and queries.

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