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Western Australia


  • Western Australia (WA) is the largest state in Australia, with a total area of 2.5 million square kilometres.
  • The population of WA is 2.67 million, with almost 80% of the population living in Perth, the capital of WA.
  • Perth has consistently been voted as one of the top 10 most “liveable cities” in the world and is considered an extremely safe and secure city, due to its relatively low crime rate compared with other major cities.
  • WA is culturally diverse; residents from over 200 nationalities, speaking over 170 languages, and practicing more than 100 different religions live in this state. It does not matter where you come from, you will always feel welcome in WA, with a range of events, food and beverages, and venues that cater to your needs.
  • Western Australia falls under the same time-zone as several other Asian regions, and is only a direct flight away from Asia, Africa and the Gulf States.
  • Western Australia has a flourishing economy, especially due to its advancements in science and technology, and generates more than 30% of the country’s total export income. This economic boom has generated thousands of high quality and highly paid jobs.
  • As of June 2018, the employment rate in WA was 97.3%. Residents in WA are amongst the best paid in all of Australia, with the average full-time employee earning AUD 67,059 annually. WA has gained global recognition for its record low unemployment rate of 2.2%, the lowest of all Australian States.
  • Western Australia is known for its spectacular white beaches, endless blue skies and long days of sunshine.
  • WA is a cultural centre, with plenty of art galleries, theatre and dance performances, festivals, diverse international cuisines, pubs, bars, lounges, sporting events, dance and live music.


  • WA is the largest Australian state and occupies 1/3rd of the total Australian continent. It is also the world’s second biggest administrative territory.
  • WA is bound by the Indian Ocean to the North and West, and the Southern Ocean to the South. Northern Territory is located South-East of WA, and South Australia lies to the South East.
  • The state has a varying landscape from rocky outback, forests, vineyards to vast coastlines scattered with reefs.
  • WA has several large deserts, including the Great Victoria expanses, the Gibson and the Great Sandy.
  • The highest point in WA is Mount Meharry at 4,098 ft, and Lake Macleod is the lowest at -13 ft.
  • Most of the state is infertile and eroded and a majority of the population lives in the South West region of Western Australia

Economy / Key Industries>

Primary industries

Agriculture is Western Australia’s second major export industry. Wheat, wool, beef and lamb are its main products. A diverse and efficient agriculture sector provides the raw material for a rapidly growing range of processed exports. These include wine, ice cream, barley malt, noodles and fine leather.
The Western Australia Fisheries are key world suppliers of Prawns, Pearls and Lobsters.
A well-managed forestry industry produces hardwood and softwood timbers and woodchips from natural forests and plantations.

Mineral and energy resources

Extensive natural gas reserves ensure Western Australia will be an important source of energy. WA supplies liquefied natural gas (LNG) to Japan and developing new markets in Taiwan and Korea.
With more than 270 operating mines, Western Australia is a leading supplier of many commodities including alumina, diamonds, iron ore and mineral sands.
The State also produces 70% of Australia’s gold and significant exports of salt, nickel, tantalum and numerous other metals.


Processed mineral and agricultural products are the State’s major manufacturing exports.
Western Australia’s shipbuilding industry has built more than 60 per cent of the nation’s civil craft. It has also supplied 10 per cent of the world’s lightweight passenger ferries. Local firms have adopted new designs, materials and technology to capture an important share of a growing market.


A major east-west rail line carries freight and passengers between Western Australia and other Australian States.
Perth’s international airport handles flights servicing Africa, Asia, Europe and North America.

University Education

  • WA has five world-class education institutions, including vocational institutions and English language colleges; often referred to as the “Education City”. The top five education institutions in WA include: Curtin University of Technology, Edith Cowan University, Murdoch University, University of Notre Dame and the University of Western Australia
  • Perth is regarded as a key study abroad destination, with over 42,000 international students from over 140 countries enrolling at its Universities each year.
  • WA is the ideal destination for students looking to pursue higher studies in the Science sector, as all five of WA’s universities are involved in cutting-edge research projects with several leading institutions around the world. You will have the opportunity to contribute to life changing projects, including development of new vaccines, clean water projects, and battling climate change.
  • As a student in WA, you would be allowed to work for upto 20 hours per week. Popular job areas for part-time work are available in communications, hospitality, house-keeping, administration, tourism and retail.
  • International students are entitled to 40% discounts on public transport within the city limits of Perth, using a tertiary smart rider card; available to all students. Perth also has a free bus service called the CAT, which operates between Perth, Fremantle and Joondalup.
  • Upon graduation you are eligible to apply for a Temporary Graduate Visa; Subclass 485, which will allow you to remain in Australia for between 2-4 years and look for work opportunities.

Higher Education Institutions

Universities in WA

Colleges and TAFEs in WA

  •   The Engineering Institute of Technology
  •   The Polytechnic of Western Australia
  •   TAFE Western Australia Colleges
  •   South Metropolitan TAFE
  •   North Metropolitan TAFE
  •   Central Regional TAFE
  •   North Regional TAFE
  •   Stanley College